The Mormon Church was heavily involved with the campaigning for Proposition 8 in California.They ran despicable ads (lies), trying to instill fear instead of promoting acceptance.
Now that the voting has finished, they want us all to get along. Well, like the Chicks says, "I'm Not Ready To Make Nice!"
Send a message to the Mormon Church, whose members raised more than $15 million to fund the deceitful advertising campaign for Proposition 8, the initiative that takes away the right to marry for same sex couples in California!This is a huge PR matter for the Mormon Church.
Make a donation, in the name of the president of the Mormon Church, to support the legal organizations working to invalidate Proposition 8 and to fund grass-roots activities in support of full marriage equality. For every donation of $5 or more, the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center will send the following postcard to President Thomas Monson’s office in Salt Lake City, acknowledging your donation in his name:Dear President Monson:
A donation has been made in your name by _________________ to “” to overturn California's Proposition 8 and restore fundamental civil rights to all citizens of California. The money will be donated to legal organizations fighting the case and to support grass-roots activities in support of full marriage equality. Although we decry the reprehensible role the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints leadership played in denying all Californians equal rights under the law, we are pleased a donation has been made on your behalf in the effort to overturn the discrimination your church members helped enshrine in the California Constitution. Given that throughout its history the Mormon Church has been subjected to bigotry, we hope you appreciate the donation in your name to fight religious bigotry here in California.
Let’s work to overturn Prop. 8 while sending a message to the Mormon Church that it’s wrong for any organization to exert political influence to deny the civil rights of any group!
I'm upset that my Californian brothers and sisters have had a right taken away from them. Though this doesn't affect my marriage to Ein Oso, it feels like a punch to my stomach. It's not right.
Keep church out of civil matters.
I consider the PR that the Mormon Churcn is getting to be positive PR. The majority of people in Calif voted in favor of Prop 8. I like the fact that the Church is getting credit for that. Keep up your protests. It is helping the LDS Church get great exposure.
Posted by: ideaguy | November 07, 2008 at 10:18 AM
um... I don't think you're reading what's out there. I will be posting some more on the protests, boycotts, and the press releases the church has made. They are afraid.
Posted by: El MarvelOso | November 08, 2008 at 08:07 PM
The mormon church will be exposed for the freak show organization that it is.
Posted by: Peter | November 09, 2008 at 01:04 PM