CEO of Whole Foods, John Mackey, is trying to stop health care reform by suggesting that any reform would be socialism. He wrote an opinion piece which you can find on the Wall Street Journal website. The link below is from Americablog and their post on Mr. Mackey.
There is nothing quite like a multi-millionaire or billionaire, suggesting that all Americans should just accept the status quo when it comes to health care. I am unemployed and do not have health insurance so I often do not go to the doctor when I am feeling ill or am in pain. I just can't afford to go. Almost all my friends are lucky enough to have health insurance, however, they are all complaining about how their plan rates are increasing at a time when they are not seeing increases in their salaries. They also complain about greater restrictions on what their policies will cover.
Most people have been hit hard by this downturn in the economy but CEO's of companies, like Mr. Mackey and those who head the insurance companies have not been hit hard at all. Do they ever have to delay seeing a doctor because they can't afford it? Are they worried about where the money for a loved one's medication is going to come from? Do they experience sleepless nights thinking how a chronic illness could drive them into bankruptcy? Are they rejected from receiving health insurance because of a pre-existing condition?
Think about all of our fellow Americans who are unemployed. Think of their children. Think about all of our fellow Americans who are fortunate enough to have employment but are seeing their health plan rates increase. Imagine what it's like for those who have to decide whether to pay their expensive health insurance rates or pay their mortgage/rent, food, or utility bills.
We need health care reform so that those who don't have the money to see a doctor can affordably get medical help.
We need health care reform to ensure that insurance companies don't raise their rates, just to fill their billionaire pockets.
We need health care reform so that people can afford to keep the health insurance that they have.
We need health care reform so insurance companies can't deny an American coverage because of any "pre-existing" condition.
We need health care reform so insurance companies can't tell any American that they have exceeded their insurance limits and will be denied care.
We need health care reform to help our fellow Americans; our mothers, our fathers, our sisters, our brothers, our children, and our neighbors.
All American should have the right to health and the right to health care.
We need health care reform, NOW!
I will not make any purchases at Whole Foods - I'm boycotting the store. I will not give one penny of my money to a millionaire/billionaire who wants to deny Americans affordable health care.
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